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Empowering Women and Young girls
with a Mission to End Poverty and 

in Rural regions of India


The power of an independent women is power and a privilege not only the women reaps as a reward but her family, her parents , her society and last but not the least the by the entire nation.


At Unicorn Giving we are here to begin to break the circle of Poverty

faced by the marginalised community , They might not have good clothes to wear, no good homes to live, a Shabby neighbourhood to reside BUT their dreams are Authentic,  deep and Powerful, Just like ours. 

our Focus

We have been working successfully for the past 4 years in and around the Rural regions of India in the fields of Education, Nutrition, Health, Wellness and Welfare, focussing towards the betterment of

children, women and Families.

What we stand for ?

When a girl is allowed to have value, beyond her body - her family and her community begin to see her with an eye of respect and value for themselves, and Unicorn Giving as an initiative is here to foster Value Building, Asset creation by providing Women and Young Girls of Rural India -  access to education and opportunities to step into their power of Pure potentiality and become Financially independent.

A girl with a book is a vaccine against poverty

Welcome to Unicorn Giving, where positive vibes rules, ambition meets access to equal opportunity. We feel every women Yearning to do well and be their highest truest version of themselves and 

it’s a reality in progress Education Liberates a human being from life of Poverty and advances ones's Life to life of expansion and freedom.


Investing in girls' education transforms communities, countries, and the entire world. Girls who are able to get educated will be able to join the workforce, earn livelihoods, take care of their families, and marry at a mature and responsible age.



Providing marginalised community with a life of dignity

What does Life of a women truly states who lives with limited means, as a girl when she was born or as a 18 year old girl while she got married or as a women who has 3 kids to feed - in some instances they are lucky to have. a partner or a husband to run the show together, But in some instances what if the family has one bread earner to rely upon. Life is beautiful as I always say, but to live a life of meaning , Purpose , Service and Significance is what true Success is.


We uplift and empower marginalised families by empowering the Girls and women in the family, providing them access to healthy meal, Monthly Grocery, Clothes , Bed Linens, and many more. We also invest in Asset Creation by helping the local women entrepreneurs purchase supplies such as sewing machines and setting up local shops to provide them a stable means of income and independence. 

All our Welfare programs are free to girls and young women, their families, and their communities

Your contribution makes a big impact !

No matter whether you’d like to learn more about becoming a mentor, volunteering your time, or if you’d like to support Unicorn Giving, we’d love to hear from you and explore!

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